I didn't think I would ever change the bookbag that I've been toting around since my college days. I'm one to over commit to something until it is on it's last leg. But this bag right here takes away any acute nostalgia that my raggedy bag was giving me of my FAMU days on "the Set". So Miss Jean, what make this bag "so" good? Well, I'm so glad that you asked.
Has a Modern Look and Feel
I'm not sure if it's the double handles that makes it easy to carry but, it adds a flare that the throwback one strapper was missing. Maybe it's the fact that the bag can stand up on its own! Plus, the rhombus design is just a sprinkle on top.

Practical + Functional Design
I'm a sucker for compartments, I usually hate an open spaced bag that has no real guide on where my Tombow markers or Airpods can call home; in between my always carrying a planner, notebook and a good book, just in case I need it behind. Although, its minimal on the pocket side of things, it literally has just enough sectioned off for everything and I mean everything. This bag has a airy spacey-ish vibe to it. It has two side-pockets fitting for a water bottle and to carry your phone and keys for easy access on each side. It has a front zip for my wallet and my phone charger. There is a small opening that creates a hassle free entry where I can toss my markers and pens that I'm always grabbing for in the middle of planning. Plus, a wide zip that has a laptop cutout to place my bulky HP.

Versatility needed for the Teacherprenuer
I'll keep this short, I can carry all of my daily essentials while also carrying my video equipment for my on the go vlogs, without my back taking a hit for lugging around all this stuff.

This is a Steve Madden bookbag from TJMaxx for $39.00. They also sell similar bags like this on Amazon if you want to skip the hassle of trying to find it.
Until Next Time
-Miss Jean
Дружище, как круто, что ты создал такую классную и актуальную тематику, сейчас очень важно общаться и обсуждать новости. С тем учётом, что новости стали всё больше и больше преобладать в нашей жизни, то нужно и читать их на качественном новостном портале. Это предоставит доступ к проверенной и актуальной информации, я к примеру пользуюсь таким информационным порталом. Благодаря ему, я с лёгкостью узнаю все новости, особенно финансовые, такие как новости инвестиций и стартапов https://delo.ua/ru/finance/investiciyi-ta-startapi-de-i-yak-znajti-investora-dlya-vdalogo-rozvitku-433124/, что даёт мне более качественное понимание того, что именно происходит в этой сфере деятельности. Таким образом, благодаря качественному новостному порталу, я всегда нахожусь в информационном ресурсе, что в свою очередь позволяет мне быть более объективным к восприятию новостей и событий.